HD-DVD Playback Performance

First we'll take a look at Serenity, our VC-1 title. This graph represents average CPU utilization over the course of video playback for about a minute. We ran each test 3 times and took the best score of the three. Runs were fairly consistent with the occasional anomaly that appeared to be an errant background process taking up CPU time.

Serenity Playback (VC-1)  

These benchmarks show that, as with Blu-ray, the GeForce 8800 series come out way on top. CPU usage is reduced by quite a bit, and even the 7900 GTX and 7950 GT do a decent job. The rest of the pack is only marginally beneficial, but with the already low CPU utilization this VC-1 title displays, GPU acceleration isn't that necessary anyway. Differences in these slower cards could just be getting lost in the noise. Even without GPU acceleration, an E6300 is able to play Serenity without pegging the CPU.

The Interpreter Playback (H.264)  


With our H.264 title, we do see higher CPU utilization. This does approach the type of impact we saw on Blu-ray, but bitrates were more consistent on this HD-DVD title. We didn't see any real spikes above the average bitrate, and CPU utilization was pretty consistent over the course of the movie. Once again, the 8800s lead the way with the rest of the pack trailing off. With The Interpreter, our recommendations for CPU and GPU are back up to the level we saw with Blu-ray: buy fast hardware if planning on playing HD-DVDs on a PC.

A Look at PC Performance: The Test Final Words
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  • Stereodude - Sunday, December 17, 2006 - link

    [url=http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=328&type=...">http://www.pcper.com/article.php?aid=328&type=...]PC Perspective[/url]showed a much more dramatic reduction in CPU usage with an E6300, 7600GT, and the Interpreter. Seems things aren't quite lining up between the two reviews. Average CPU went from 82.8% down to 41.7% Only by using an x6800 and a 8800 GT* were similar results obtained in this review.
  • JarredWalton - Sunday, December 17, 2006 - link

    Could be the USB interface is demanding more of the CPU. Unless two sites use identical hardware, you can't really compare the results and call one more accurate. Given that the HD-DVD for 360 is currently available at $200 (the internal drive used on that other review is apparently pre-release hardware), the results we show are at least indicative of what people looking to take that route will experience. I'm sure once Derek can get a PATA drive he can look at performance differences.
  • DerekWilson - Sunday, December 17, 2006 - link

    I havent' read their review, but we did see ~41% with the x6800 8800gtx/gts.

    We didn't test the E6300 + 7600 GT with the interpreter, but i would think we'd see higher than 82.8% ...

    As always, it's not really useful to compare numbers from multiple sites, as we likely used different motherboard, ram, sections of the movie, etc...
  • DNW - Sunday, December 17, 2006 - link


    (1) You need just the HD DVD player, not the Xbox, correct?

    (2) The back of the HD DVD player appears to have 3 connectors. Are these all USB connectors? If so, you hook up your the HD DVD player to your computer, and your computer to your television, correct? Does it matter how the computer is output to the TV? Is video-out sufficient, or do I need DVI, or HDMI etc.

    (3) What are the computer system requirements? I am asking because on one of my HDTV's, I have an old computer built 2-3 years ago from whatever spare parts I had laying around. Is this critical? My TV supports 1080p. Is getting that resolution dependent upon the computer?

    (4) The HD DVD player appears to come with a remote control. Will I use that remote to play/stop/start/pause/etc the DVD's, or will all that be done through the computer? In other words, is this a computer component or a home theatre component?

    For under $200 plus the cost of a Netflix subscription, I would like to 'get my feet wet' with high definition dvd's. Even if I use this configuration for just a few months, it will be worth the rather insignificnat investment required. I just want to make certain I understand it before I make the purchase. Thanks!
  • DerekWilson - Sunday, December 17, 2006 - link

    1) just need the HD-DVD player.

    2) It is also a USB hub AFAIK... the mini connector hooks into the computer.

    3) you'll need a CPU at least as fast as the E6300 and a graphics card that can do some hardware decode acceleration if you want to avoid choppy playback and dropped frames. you'll also need usb 2.0 support (480Mbit), a graphics card that can output 1920x1080 @60Hz either over DVI or component (analog). A top of the line computer from 2 or 3 years ago will probably not cut it.

    4) the remote controls the XBox 360, not the HD-DVD player.
  • totalcommand - Saturday, December 16, 2006 - link

    The fact is with the right H264 encoding HD films can easily be fit on DVD-9 discs with minimal loss of quality.

    The companies are just trying to create a new market by increasing format size, but it's really unnecessary unless we want 6hr+ of film on our discs. Not to mention, with a new market, they get new copy protections like HDCP, which lets them infringe on our fair-use rights.

    It really doesn't matter that Bluray has a 20Gb advantage over HDDVD - we don't need that extra space right now.
  • DerekWilson - Sunday, December 17, 2006 - link

    some sort of "newness" is required -- standard DVD players can't play HD formats, as the players don't have the ability to decode H.264 ... Either we were going to get new players that use current DVD media or new players with new media. Since its a very good idea to future proof the design, more size is better -- and it just makes sense that if we require an update to player hardware we might as well also update our media to hold more data.

    the horrid drm and copy protection schemes are not a problem with the media as much as the MPAA -- had we stuck with standard DVD media, the industry could just have easily forced those wanting to play HD video on DVDs to adopt AACS -- because this is required in the data on the disks and the players -- not the physical media itself.
  • JarredWalton - Saturday, December 16, 2006 - link

    "Right now" is the key. All things being equal (and I'm not saying they are!), having more capacity is better. We'll see which one wins our long term, but there's a good chance the consumer has already lost.
  • trueimage - Saturday, December 16, 2006 - link

    How are you "enabling" and "disabling" HW Accel... All I see is a checked hardware acceleration box that is greyed out. I have no idea if it is turned on or not, and I certainly can't uncheck it...
  • Renoir - Saturday, December 16, 2006 - link

    You can't enable/disable while playing a video. Stop playback and then the checkbox will no longer be greyed out. Hope that helps. Took me a while to figure that out myself :-)

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