X2: The Threat Performance no AA/AF

X2 is a game that is due out in November, but for now, they have a really extensive benchmark/demo out that pushes a lot of different aspects of the graphics engine. This benchmark is a simple download and run. We used the benchmark with everything but antialiasing enabled.

The performance of the Ti 4200 under this benchmark was horrendous. The jerkiness problems we have noted in past articles were intensified. We could honestly watch the frame rates drop to 4 fps and then jump to ~120fps. These frame rates would alternate at somewhere near 0.5Hz (by visual approximation).

We can see a solid gain from the 9600 XT in this benchmark.


X2: The Threat Performance 4X AA/8X AF

The problems with the Ti 4200 were even more amplified here, which prompted a ten minute break from closely watching over the benchmarking process.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Performance Final Words
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  • PrinceGaz - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    You can infer how a 9500pro would do by considering it a bit like a slightly faster 9600xt in core speed, but with slower memory. That isn't as daft as it sounds.

    The 9600xt is a 4-pipeline 500mhz core while the 9500pro was an 8-pipeline 275mhz core, so the older 9500pro at default core-speed could be thought of as being a 550mhz 9600xt, before the improvements in the RV350 core over the R300 are considered. I doubt a 9600xt is gonna reach 550mhz easily so the 9500pro should have a slight edge in core-horsepower.

    Memory-wise, the 9600xt should be in front both in memory-speed and efficiency which would suggest, so at least in theory the 9600xt should be somewhat faster than the 9500pro in DX8 titles but not so far ahead when DX9 shaders are used intensively.

    I still think including the 9800se in the benchmarks is essential thanks to its high memory-bandwidth, especially when its over $50 cheaper than a 9700non-pro, let alone the even more expensive 9700pro.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    hmm...so why wasnt the 9500pro used in the review?
    was there any reason that was given ?
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    good review, good conclusion...i totally agree in almost everything. only overclocking performance wouldve been an interesting addition
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    On a side track, can anyone tell me a decent cooler for the ATi brand of cards? Seems like there is a serious lack of good heatsinks and fan combos for these parts. All I have seen are two different heatpipe applications that seem like a step in the wrong direction. Why can't someone produce a good chunk of copper with a good fan for my 9600 Pro???

  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    damm i though that 9600 XT would be great. but all i can see is another product from ati that steals your money. i prefer to buy a 9500 pro
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    Beyond3D benchmarked the 9600XT against the 9500 Pro as well as the 9600 Pro
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    #25: $216 at GameVE. Considering the 9600 XT is $199 though, i think Anand has a point.


  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    It would have been great if Anand and Derek had put a 9500 Pro to the review. I'm curious how it stacks up against 9600 Pro/XT and 5600 Ultra in all these benchmarks. Does anybody know?
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    I was really hoping to see the 9600XT do better, but the scores are still great for the price range. It's amazing that my 9700-pro, which I bought almost a year ago for $300, still keeps up so well.

    I agree with #26 in regards to anonymous posting. I like it, but if it bothers everybody else, please lift the 'no free e-mail address' requirement, or I, the single greatest poster ever, would no longer be able to post, and Anandtech would lose at least 50% of it's reader base. :) Besides, I really don't mind trolls. It shakes things up.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    #29, you and me both wish =(

    But remember, why use logic when you can use Flash?

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