Enabling SLI

We’ve already described the SLI setup process in our Preview of NVIDIA SLI Performance, but we will revisit it here today using the ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe board as there are some differences.

The first step in enabling SLI is to reconfigure the PCI Express x16 lanes from the nForce4 SLI chipset into two x8 lanes, this is done by inserting the SLI card in the appropriate direction:

Next, you plug in both PCI Express graphics cards.  They must be the same GPU type, but you can use cards from different manufacturers if you would like (although it is recommended to have the same BIOS revisions, etc…).


Third, connect the two PCI Express graphics cards using the ASUS supplied bridge PCB. 

Fourth, connect the appropriate power connectors to both PCI Express graphics cards.

Fifth, connect power to ASUS’ on-board 4-pin power connector. 

Finally, connect your monitor to either one of the outputs on the first PCI Express card and power up your system.

Once in Windows, using the 66.93 drivers, you simply enable SLI mode from NVIDIA’s control panel and reboot your system to enable SLI.  Note that only your primary graphics card’s display outputs will be active in SLI mode. 

Clicking the check box requires a restart to enable (or disable) SLI, but after you've rebooted everything is good to go.

SLI – The Requirements SLI Power Consumption
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  • bob661 - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    I found one here.
    I don't know if they actually have one in stock though.
  • jshuck3 - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    Where are they getting the 6800GT PCI Express cards? I can't find them anywhere...are they even out yet or are these just review boards?
  • L1FE - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    #28 If the nextgen video cards are also SLI capable, then SLI offers even more performance for a new GPU launch. If you don't want SLI that's your choice, but SLI offers consumers a wider range of choices just because cominations now make it that much more complicated. Whether that's a good or bad thing is yet to be seen, but I like how it makes things exciting between new GPU releases.
  • T8000 - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    Altrough it is nice to see Nvidia take PC gaming quality one step further, these solutions are more expensive than ever before.

    But where does this money come from, you ask. Well, since CPU's are stuck at around 3 Ghz (or almost equal) for some time now, people look for other upgrades to buy.

    And SLI is an easy way to explain that a top-end GPU solution now costs $1000 instead of $500, because it now contains two $500 cards.

    But since SLI is much cheaper than pre-overclocked (Falcon/Alienware) solutions, it is currently worth its premium for a lot of users.

    It also creates an interesting problem for ATI, to sell technology that is way behind for lowewr prices or to copy the SLI concept, hoping that their users are willing to wait.
  • miketheidiot - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    #28 the next gen of both nVidia and ATI will be only a tiny jump over the current generation. We won't see another big jump until DX10 has been out for a while. The next jump will be a 9700 to 9800 style jump, if that.

  • VIAN - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    Yeah, where is 8xAA/16xAF. I want that tested. I mean with all that power, who wouldn't want to see the results of the fabulous 8xAA IQ.
  • FICo - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    So does Nvidia now want everyone to buy 2 of their cards? I really hope its not popular. They should just design faster GPUs rather then relying on such a sledgehammer approach. Nvidia seem to bring out new GPUs once a year, and updates 6 months into a products life. So the new "Geforce 7" chip will be out end of spring time next year. Of course the performance of a single card "GeFroce 7 Ultra" will be a big jump as usual, and will most likely out perform todays PCs with dual 6800 Ultras. Nvidia's SLI technology is certainly interesting, shame its such poor value for money. Surely a dual core approach would be cheaper for the public to buy, yet still offering extra performance.
  • Filibuster - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    Dual Voodoo2 cards is what, 200Mpixel/s? :)
  • Jeff7181 - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    Thinking about it more, I think I'd rather just see some 32 pipeline GPU's with 512 MB of RAM and it's very own nuclear reactor to power it :)
  • Souka - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 - link

    Anyone want SLI cheap? don't even have to upgrade your moherboard.....

    For sale.... two 8mb 3dFx Voodoo2 boards wih SLI cable...PCI interface of course..... it rocked in the 90's....why not now?


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