Scalable Hardware CPU Power Consumption

This test produces a similar power consumption graph with the Intel products all together and consistent and the Opteron a little hungrier due to having four sockets/processors instead of two, and 95W/socket instead of 80W/socket.

In this graph we see that Clovertown is very close to Woodcrest for the first three lead points, but after that Woodcrest runs out of steam and Clovertown is able to translate it's 51% higher Transactions/Second rate into a 51% higher Performance/Watt rating.

Scalable Hardware CPU Transactions/sec Scalable Hardware Mixed Transactions/sec
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  • yyrkoon - Monday, April 2, 2007 - link

    You can not read, and understand what I am writting, and I am the dolt or moron . . .

    Interresting that . . . interresting indeed. I think what I will do, is just ignore whatever else you have to say, just like the majority of other readers seemingly have done.
  • archcommus - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    However if Barcelona comes out and then Penryn smashes it just a few months later, yeah, then I'm gonna be worried about them. :(
  • Griswold - Saturday, March 31, 2007 - link

    Say no to drugs.
  • anony - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    This is for the authors. Sorry if I missed it, but do the power measurements
    include chipset power? AMD processors include the memory controller as well,
    right? Do the performance/watt take this into account?
  • Ross Whitehead - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    We measured power at the wall, but we do not include the power for the disk chassis.

    Thus, performance/watt takes all of your mentioned items into account.
  • blckgrffn - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    I am guessing Pernyn will be different enough from Clovertown to make using vmotion (and many other enterprise features) impossible. It sucks enough that we already have two processor families in our Dell 2950's, and here comes one more.

    I am all for progress, it just looks like this might be something VMware has to address at some point.

  • Beenthere - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    ...the industry. As usual Intel's "glueblob" is another rushed-out-the-door, knee-jerk reaction to AMD supplying superior CPU products. AMD is really gonna hurt Intel with Barcelona and friends.
  • johnsonx - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    Beenthere + Cornfedone = Cramitpal
  • Griswold - Saturday, March 31, 2007 - link

    You forgot to add some "fine-ass".
  • Phynaz - Friday, March 30, 2007 - link

    Wow, you really are a moron.

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