Multi-Core Gaming is Upon Us

Epic's Unreal Engine 3 is well threaded, it must be in order to run on the multi-core Microsoft and Sony consoles, and thus us multi-core PC users benefit.

Intel has been waiting for a real reason to push quad-core gaming for a while now, will UT3 be that reason?

Core Scaling - DM-ShangriLa

Core Scaling - DM-ShangriLa

Core Scaling - DM-ShangriLa  

We don't often look at single-core performance given how cheap dual-core CPUs are today, but it's important to look at where we've come from over the past couple of years.


One to two cores gives us an impressive 60% increase in performance on average, if we look back at our first dual-core processor review none of our gaming tests showed any performance increase from one to two cores. From 0 - 60% in two years isn't bad at all.

The performance improvement from 2 to 4 cores isn't anywhere near as impressive, but still reasonable. In our first two tests we see a 9% increase and the third one gives us a 20% boost, for an average 13% jump in performance.

If 3D games follow the same trend that we've seen over the past two years, it'll be another two years from now before we really see significant performance increases from quad-core processors. If in 2009 we hardly bother with dual-core chips because quad-core is so prevalent, you'll not hear any complaining from us.

FSB Scaling: 1066MHz, 1333MHz Who Cares about Clock Speeds?
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  • kmmatney - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    The benchmarks show that AMD cpu's are not performing as well as they should here. This will hopefully be fixed in the future.

    You sound like someone who has an AMD processor and is bitter...
  • clairvoyant129 - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    These are the same people who said there is a big difference using Netburst CPUs and K8s. Right, if a Netburst CPU coupled with a 7800GTX got 60 FPS when a K8 got 90 FPS, it was a huge difference to them but now it doesn't seem like it.
  • hubajube - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link


    The benchmarks show that AMD cpu's are not performing as well as they should here.
    And how should they be performing in your opinion? 100 fps is not good enough for you? How about 500 fps? Is that better?


    You sound like someone who has an AMD processor and is bitter...
    I'm definitely not bitter, just realistic. The difference between 90 and 180 fps is totally irrelevant. An Intel E2140 gets over 90fps. Hell, a Sempron with a decent video card could play this game extremely well.

    Benchmarks are great in that you can use them to judge how your system will perform with a game but they're not the be all end all of performance nor is a CPU that does 100 fps a pile of shit because it doesn't do 105 fps.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    The point is that at 1920x1200 we're at a completely GPU-limited resolution (as shown by the fact that the difference between E6550 and X6850 is only 1%). AMD still runs 9% slower, so it seems that architecture, cache, etc. means that even at GPU limited resolutions AMD is still slower than we would expect. Is it unplayable? No, but we're looking at the top-end AMD CPU (6400+) and in CPU-limited scenarios it's still 10% slower than an E6550.

    It seems to me that we're in a similar situation to what we saw at the end of the NetBurst era: higher clock speeds really aren't bringing much in the way of performance improvements. AMD needs a lot more than just CPU tweaks to close the gap, which is why we're all waiting to see how Phenom compares.
  • clairvoyant129 - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    That 9% was using 1920x1200. Majority of PC users use a much lower resolution than that. At 1024x768, it's much much higher.

    Think again moron.
  • KAZANI - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    And most people don't care about framerates higher than their monitor's refresh rate. Both processors were well above 100 frames in 1024*768.
  • hubajube - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    No moron, 1024x768 on a 8800GTX is NOT what "most PC users users" are going to be using. The video cards that "most PC users users" will be using was not tested in this benchmark. YOU need to actually THINK next time.
  • clairvoyant129 - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    Where did I say majority of PC users with an 8800GTX use 1024x768? What's your idea of testing CPUs? Benchmark them by using GPU limited resolutions? What a joke. You people never complained when Anand compared Netburst CPUs to K8s at 1024x768 or lower resolutions.

    Don't get your panties twisted AMD fanny.
  • IKeelU - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link do you launch the flybys used in this analysis?
  • customcoms - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - link

    You mention that you cranked the resolution to 1920x1200, but the charts still say 1024x768...the results look like those at 1920x1200 though, so I'm guessing its a typo. GPU bound CPU Comparison charts here:">

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