Obsoleting Products: Radeon HD 3870 vs. 2900 XT

There must be something in the water these days, first NVIDIA makes most of its product line obsolete and now with the Radeon HD 3870 AMD gets rid of any reason to have the 2900 XT.

Our benchmarks show that the cheaper, cooler, quieter Radeon HD 3870 is at worst, the same speed as the poorly received Radeon HD 2900 XT. Granted there are a few areas where the 2900 XT does better, but for the most part it simply can't hold its own against the 3870.


These next two tables summarize things a little better for those of you that are more interested in raw numbers. What you're looking at here is the percentage of 2900 XT performance each one of these cards delivers, first off is the Radeon HD 3870 vs. the 2900 XT:

 3870: % of Radeon HD 2900 XT Performance 1280 x 1024 1600 x 1200 1920 x 1200 2560 x 1600
Bioshock 107% 106% 107% 110%
Unreal Tournament 3 98.8% 96.2% 93.3% 93.8%
ET: Quake Wars 108% 117% 118% 111%
Oblivion 101% 103% 101% 100%
Oblivion (4X AA) 104% 103% 105% 105%
Half Life 2: Episode 2 100% 97.7% 96.3%


World in Conflict 118% 120% 115% 118%
Call of Duty 4 136% 130% 118% 102%
Crysis 104% 104% 103% -
Average 110% 110% 108% 106%

On average, the Radeon HD 3870 gives us a 6 - 10% increase in performance over the more expensive, less featured, louder Radeon HD 2900 XT. Not bad for improvement over the course of 6 months.


 3850: % of Radeon HD 2900 XT Performance 1280 x 1024 1600 x 1200 1920 x 1200 2560 x 1600
Bioshock 90.7% 91% 92.9% 60.1%
Unreal Tournament 3 92.1% 86.1% 80.8% 77.2%
ET: Quake Wars 107% 104% 99.3% 81.7%
Oblivion 91.1% 86.4% 85.8% 85.4%
Oblivion (4X AA) 92.5% 89.3% 89.1% 83.5%
Half Life 2: Episode 2 97.4% 90% 87.1%


World in Conflict 109% 108% 97.4% 92.9%
Call of Duty 4 108% 93.6% 88.3% 75.8%
Crysis 93.7% 91.4% 89.7% -
Average 97.9% 93.2% 90.1% 80.3%

The Radeon HD 3850 comes close in performance to the 2900 XT, especially at lower resolutions, but at ultra high resolutions it delivers only about 80% of the performance of its older brother.

Let's Get It Out of the Way: Radeon HD 3870 vs. GeForce 8800 GT Mid-Range Battle: Radeon HD 3850 vs. GeForce 8600 GTS
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  • Parhel - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Even though you're wrong, do you mind if I use your math on my upcoming trip to Europe? It would really help me out. :)
  • MrKaz - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Since no one seems to ask but since when crossfire works on Nvidia 680i?

    Also you said this correctly over load power:
    "The difference is negligible, but when you include the fact that the 8800 GT is faster, the Radeon HD 3870 actually has worse performance-per-watt than the competition. "

    But you unfortunately failed to mention this over idle power:
    "The difference is huge, especially when comparing to the older ATI and NVIDIA offers, even when comparing to the new 8800GT it’s still a 40 Watts difference."
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    It doesn't, we used a P965 board for CrossFire, but you couldn't have known that - thus I've updated the test table :)

    And I've included commentary on the idle power of the 3800 series, my apologies for the oversight.

    Take care,
  • MrKaz - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Anand do you think Crossfire scaling would improve if you used some X38 or rd580?
    Or the 4x PCIe slot on 965 doesn’t affect it much?

    Does the 790 and Phenom get reviewed this month?

    Continue the good work!
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Personally I don't think the chipset is at fault for poor scaling here, but you do make a good point - I'll see if we can run some numbers internally and figure that out.

    Indeed this isn't the only AMD product that gets reviewed this month...

  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Woops, my mistake, Derek ran the CF tests and they were on a P35 board and not a P965. I've updated the article accordingly.

    Take care,
  • MrKaz - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Thanks Anand!
  • jcromano - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    From page 5:

    Looking at our own price search engine we see that only Amazon is listing a card available at $249, but it's not in stock, nor are any of the other more expensive 8800 GTs listed.

    I have been unable to use the RTPE for the past two weeks or so. What's the trick? Here is the error it gives me:

    Warning: mysql_pconnect(): Lost connection to MySQL server during query in /var/www/vweb/rtpeserve/php/login.php on line 53

  • Crassus - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Yep. Same here error message here, both in Firefox and IE. I've been trying to make use of the RTPE for weeks now, without success. Or was it converted to Anandtech "staff only" use? ;c)
  • jcromano - Thursday, November 15, 2007 - link

    Ok. Thanks for the quick response. I look forward to the return of the RTPE, but maybe your shopping page can substitute in the meantime.


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