Power Consumption

I measured power consumption of the Ion system while running my WinRAR test and honestly, it seemed pretty competitive:

Idle Power Load Power
NVIDIA Ion Reference (Atom 330) 20.5W 24.8W
ASUS Eee Box (Atom 230) 14.5W 19W
Intel Celeron 420 Desktop 58W 70W


Under load the system drew around 25W. At idle we’re looking at 20.5W. The closest numbers I could compare to were my single-core ASUS Eee Box results. The Eee Box drew 6 fewer watts at idle and under load, but it also used a single-core Atom 230.

I’d guess that identical configurations would see a 2 - 4W difference in power. NVIDIA estimates that an Ion notebook would have a 12% lower battery life than a standard Atom/945G setup. That’s probably on the conservative end of estimates but we’ll have to see what manufacturers can do with this platform once it’s out.


Final Words

It’d be silly to dislike Ion. Compared to the Atom/945G combo Ion is faster, you can play 3D games on it and you can actually watch Blu-ray movies on it. If the price is right, I’d rather have an Atom CPU paired with the GeForce 9400M than Intel’s 945G. It just makes sense.

Ion addresses one of Atom’s primary deficiencies - poor graphics performance. It can’t, however, make Atom something it’s not. It’s faster to use Photoshop on Ion than on any of the current Atom platforms, but I still don’t want to. It’s better to play games on the Ion than on a regular Atom system, but it’s not fun to. NVIDIA does get points for making the overall usage experience better and faster on Ion thanks to more memory bandwidth and a much better GPU. But then there's the issue of the rest of the hardware in the system.

NVIDIA had an Acer Aspire One setup at the CES Ion demo last month; it took over two minutes to launch Spore on that machine. Ion wasn’t going to make that any faster. The HDD Acer chose for that machine was just awful. Ion or not, OEMs are still going to be putting slow components in netbooks, limiting their usefulness. Ion is luckily versatile enough to be used in other types of systems, but without knowing what the OEMs have planned I can only speculate as to what is coming down the pipe.

The GeForce 9400M is a far better chipset than Intel’s 945G. It should be, since it’s a good four years newer. But I do wonder if we’ve taken things a little too far here. I wonder if Ion actually has too much GPU and not enough CPU? Don’t get me wrong, I like Ion; I’d like to have it over a standard 945G platform. I’m just not sure what I’d do with it. Sure it'd be faster than current Atom platforms. But the applications in which it's most noticeable, I'm not sure I'd actually use a netbook for. As a portable HTPC or other small form factor machine, perhaps. I'm very curious to see what OEMs do with this system. It sure would make for a great Apple TV.

Keeping Atom in Perspective
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  • sikahr - Thursday, February 5, 2009 - link

    It'2 not about money.
    It'2 not about weak INTC's chip combo.
    It's about platforms. AMD&Intel have whole platform to sell.
    NVidia haven't.
    Soon there will be no entry level processors from Intel&AMD without integrated GPU in CPU.

    So, to resume it:

    Nvidia is out of chipset business very soon.

    You can call me nutjob or moron, but that is how things really are.
    Look, I don't hate Nvidia, all my 3d video cards till now are Nvidia, but this is reality about future of chipsets.
  • chrnochime - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - link

    You've just made yourself a fanboy by calling someone a moron.

    So what if they have 1.3b? Intel has tons more money and they can crush Nvidia anytime they want.

  • Hrel - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - link

    What the hell is going on with that guy's face in the Casino Royal picture??!! It looks like his face is morphing with male genitalia???
  • yyrkoon - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - link

    "The GeForce 9400M is a far better chipset than Intel’s 945G. It should be, it’s a good four years newer. But I do wonder if we’ve taken things a little too far here. I wonder if Ion actually has too much GPU and not enough CPU? Don’t get me wrong, I like Ion; I’d like to have it over a standard 945G platform. I’m just not sure what I’d do with it."

    I'd use it on our RE system ( renewable energy; Solar/Wind ), and worry less about how much power I am drawing while watching SD video at night. Also perfect for many other applications such as low res gaming, IRC, Photo editing with CS2/CS3, web browsing, and the list goes on and . . .

    Bottom line; Whether you're on grid, or off grid ( RE, or utility power ) you're going to use less power and worry less about either your battery bank going down too far, or paying too much for power for doing most mundane tasks.

    Right now, I use a AM2 mini ATX board with nv 6150 graphics, an AM2 1210 underclocked to 1Ghz, and undervolted to .80v, and still use ~75W with a 19" WS LCD. It'll play some modest games well @ 1024x728, it'll run CS3 well enough. However, I suspect an ION system would handle all this just as good or better while cutting another 20-30W power consumption.

    Now . . . here is to hoping that "we" will see some good ~100W 80Plus power supplies around the corner. That is, assuming OEMs give us a desktop/barebones options.
  • strikeback03 - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - link

    As mentioned, these power numbers don't seem exactly impressive. Assuming the quoted numbers are correct, plenty of laptops can match/beat those. Plus, they already include the power supplies. Assuming your monitor draws around 30W, you could easily use that with a laptop and get 40-45W total at idle, and maybe 60 W at load. Plus, it would probably not be nearly as painful as Atom to run Photoshop on.
  • iwodo - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - link

    Am i the only one who thinks there is something wrong with that Idle Power?

    You mentioned 1 Atom Core being disabled, is that re enabled during other benchmark?

    I cant wait to see how a 40nm Geforce 9400 will do.

    Only If Atom is 64Bit Capable. I could see new Mac Mini coming.
    Honestly I think Ion is capable of doing 95% of what i do day to day on my computer.
  • sprockkets - Wednesday, February 4, 2009 - link

    The Atom is 64-bit capable and is hyperthreading enabled. Going from a C2D to an Atom is a downgrade for the Mac Mini.

    But that won't stop Apple from putting a positive spin on that...
  • Casper42 - Tuesday, February 3, 2009 - link

    You guys crack me up.

    "We didn’t have an external Blu-ray drive so this was the best method of being able to watch a Blu-ray on the machine"

    1) Grab a SATA to eSATA converter that comes with every Gigabyte Mobo you have reviewed in the last 3 years and use that to connect a SATA BluRay Drive (I dont think they even make PATA Blu-Ray) to one of the eSATA ports on the Ion
    2) Hook up a power supply from a nearby ATX machine OR use a single drive power supply like the ones that come with the USB to SATA Adapter most good PC Techs keep in their bag (http://c1.neweggimages.com/NeweggImage/productimag...">http://c1.neweggimages.com/NeweggImage/productimag...

    Problem solved!
  • anandtech02148 - Tuesday, February 3, 2009 - link

    we're good to go for summer browsing. decent gpu is perfectly match for widescreen web browsing. sounds like a fun hobby to build one of these little toy.
  • UNCjigga - Tuesday, February 3, 2009 - link

    Any chance AMD will slip you a full-on Neo "Yukon" reference platform for comparison testing?

    Also, will the Ion chipset support VIA's Nano?

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