Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2 is another foliage-heavy game. Thankfully it’s not nearly as punishing as Crysis, and it’s possible to achieve a good framerate even with all the settings at their highest.


Far Cry 2 presents us with some particularly interesting results. Once again we see the GTX 260 Super Overclock doing well, but in this game in particular it’s doing extremely well. At our lower resolutions it doesn’t just beat the GTX 275, but it also beats the GTX 285, only finally falling back into line at 2560x1600. We suspect that Far Cry 2 may be more sensitive to core overclocking than other titles, as the 680MHz core speed of the GTX 260 Super Overclock is higher than any other GT200b based card. On paper at least, this gives the GTX 260 Super Overclock the ability to push geometry even faster than the GTX 285, which could be what we’re seeing.

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  • palladium - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    Just wondering, with HAWX, is DX10.1 enabled for ATI cards?
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

  • Nfarce - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    I just ask because I bought a stock EVGA 275 and have it overclocked quite nicely, which puts it above the performance of this o/c 260. Even AT posted about the 275's performance capabilities in an article back on June 4. You aren't really comparing apples to apples here other than one being purchased factory overclocked and others being purchased factory stock. No serious gamer ever keeps a video card stock just like a CPU.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    Absolutely. User overclocking is by no means guaranteed, whereas factory overclocking is as good as anything else sold.

    As I stated in the article this card is a poor choice if you intend to do any overclocking on your own, but if you're the kind of person that does not do any overclocking (and I do know "serious gamers" that don't touch their card's clocks) then this is just as good as a GTX 275.
  • Abhilash - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    It is not worth the 25% premium over a stock gtx260.

    Where is the power consumption results???
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    My Kill A Watt decided to kill itself during some testing this weekend. There wasn't time to get it replaced and run new tests while still meeting all of the article deadlines this week. It'll be back soon™.
  • SirKronan - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    That's what I was wondering from the first page of the review: "Ok, so it performs like a 275, but how much power does it consume to do the same amount of work?" The title and conclusion indicate the performance is there for $10 to $20 less, but I kept looking on the review pages for the only thing I really wanted to know: "How do they differ on power?"

    I am typically one who praises Anand's articles, but I wouldn't have even published this without at least some kind of power figures. I understand that your Killawatt got "killed" (er... died, heh), but at least give us figures from a UPS that has a wattage meter built in. What was the difference in overall power consumption? That would at least give us an idea of how much extra power the 260 OC'd is going to use versus a 275. If you game enough, the power savings might even nearly negate the extra $10 you save over 2 or 3 years, depending on where you live.
  • Finally - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    Thanks for pointing this out. I was about to ask that.
    I guess that is the card's weak spot that would stand in the way of a "recommendation"...

    Under the rug, under the rug...
  • 7Enigma - Monday, October 12, 2009 - link

    Ryan did mention in the comments above that his Kill-A-Watt died during testing so that would explain why the info is not there.

    What should have been mentioned (I may have missed it) in the article was this explaination. No where did I find it, and like most of us my first thought was, OK but how much more power is this thing using, as that makes a big difference in my personal buying decisions (and why the 5850 is so darn likable across the board).
  • Stas - Sunday, October 11, 2009 - link

    As noted, 4890 is $20 cheaper than this Gigabyte card. Performance almost equal. But don't forget that you can easily get extra 100-150Mhz on the 4890 GPU with stock cooling, and 100-200 on memory. Which would make it 5-10% faster. So now we have a card (HD4890) that's cheaper ($20) AND faster than Gigabyte GTX260 O/C. I think it's a no brainer. Of course, Gigabyte did a great job with this card (I love Gigabyte), but you can only compete so well, when the limitation is set by the chip's architecture. Out of all GTX260 cards, this one is probably the best. But it isn't the best value or performance when compared to HD4890.
    P.S. Even with both cards at stock, in games where GTX260 prevails, it only does so by 10% or so. Wherever the HD4890 comes atop, it beats the other by up to 30%.

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