
The Hypersonic Sonic Aviator is, perhaps, the most desktop-like notebook we have seen to date. With a 3.06GHz processor, Mobility Radeon 9000 graphics subsystem, 1.0GB of memory, and a 5400RPM hard drive, the Sonic Aviator will out perform a good number of current generation desktops. But as a desktop computer in a mobile case, the Hypersonic Sonic Aviator is not without problems.

All the power that the Sonic Aviator offers does not come without costs. The system is large, at 1.7" thick, and heavy, at 9.6 pounds. The system may leave little desired in terms of performance but leaves much to be desired in portability. Only the Incredible Hulk would feel comfortable schlepping the Sonic Aviator around on a regular basis.

The power of the Sonic Aviator also takes its toll on battery life in a enormous way. The system can only run for a bit under an hour and a half while on battery power, making it fine for quick tasks but horrible for long trips. At a battery run time like this, the system may as well be a desknote sans battery. Heck, we may have even been happier with the system as a battery-less desknote if the weight went down into the 7 pound range.

Because of these characteristics of the Hypersonic Sonic Aviator, the system is certainly most comfortable parked on a desk the vast majority of the time. It is on the desk that the system is able to shine. It is fast and feature-filled with extras such as USB 2.0 and firewire support. Plus, with the custom paint jobs available, it looks pretty good too. Oh, and did we mention that it was fast? Well it is.


If you know what to expect when purchasing the Hypersonic Sonic Aviator you will most likely be very satisfied with the system. If you purchase an Sonic Aviator with the expectation that you will carry it with you everywhere you travel and use it constantly on the road, you are in for a let-down. The system is far from light and offers only limited computer life away from a wall outlet. On the other hand, if you are looking for a desktop with an integrated screen that can travel occasionally, you are in for the ride of your life. The Hypersonic Sonic Aviator will not disappoint.

The Hypersonic Sonic Aviator is available now directly from Hypersonic. Systems start at just under $1400 and go up to $3000 as reviewed.

Performance - Jedi Knight 2
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