Quake III Arena

One of the most reliable gaming benchmarks (its results are always repeatable and rarely vary) is Quake III Arena and it's based on an engine that is still in the news. We used the 1.29g patch and the video options set to the default High Quality settings. The resolution was adjusted and demo 'four' was run in timedemo 1 mode.

If you're a Quake III Arena fan you should be very happy. Could you have imagined seeing 223 fps at 1024 x 768 x 32 in this game when it first came out? We were lucky to break 40 fps back then.

The standings don't change too much under Quake III Arena; the GeForce3 Ti 500 has a 9% lead over the GeForce3. The lower memory clock of the GeForce3 Ti 200 explains the 10% performance advantage the GeForce3 holds over this newcomer.


Again, the GeForce2 Ti 200 and the GeForce2 Pro perform virtually identically. The two GeForce2 cards are about 6 - 9% faster than the Radeon 7500.

Had the Radeon 7500 come out earlier it would have been a welcome upgrade for many ATI fans considering the performance of the original Radeon in this test; but with the GeForce3 Ti 200 being sold at the same price as the Radeon 7500, it's a very difficult fit in today's market.

Cranking up the resolution produces the expected results. The truly impressive thing to note is that both the GeForce3 Ti 500 and the original GeForce3 can run Quake III Arena at full detail, at 1600 x 1200 x 32 and maintain over 100 fps.

Black & White Wolfenstein MP Test
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